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                                                                                                    Our Awana Club takes place on Sunday nights at 5 PM . 


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Classes are at 9:30 each Sunday morning

Adult Classes


Currently we offer four adult classes.  Two of the classes are for any single or married adult in any stage of life and meet in rooms 37 and 38.  There is also a Homebuilders class geared towards parents with children still in the home (room 33), and a Senior Adult class taught by a retired pastor in room 41.




Children and Teen Classes


Teen Class

Our teen class, for those in grades 7-12, is taught by Nick Repholz and meets in the youth room (room 39).


Junior Children's Class

Our Junior class is for girls and boys in grades 3 through 6. They meet in room 35. 


Primary Children's Class

This class is for girls and boys age four through 2nd grade. It meets in room 36.



Our nursery is available for ages 0-3 both during the Bible study hour and the main worship service. The nursery is room 31.