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Jesse Nicholson, Pastor

     Pastor Jesse Nicholson and his wife Kasey have been at Community since 2002. Pastor Jess, as he’s known at Community, was originally called to be the youth and outreach pastor in the fall of 2002. In 2009, after the semi-retirement of Pastor Wayne Golson, the church called Pastor Jess to be its pastor.
     Pastor Jess grew up in Minnesota playing organized sports like hockey, baseball, and tennis. He trusted Christ as his Savior after an AWANA meeting when he was eight years old. When he was sixteen, he was called to ministry at a camp meeting in Chetek, Wisconsin, under the preaching of Dr. Ron Comfort. Kasey grew up in Sarasota, Florida, attending Community Baptist Church and Christian School. They both attended Bob Jones University where they met. After graduating in 2000, they married and remained at BJU for Pastor’s master’s degree.
     Pastor Jess and Kasey have a real desire to see the church grow spiritually through disciple making.
     The Nicholsons have four daughters. They enjoy road trips, kayaking and camping.